A 21st century Enlightenment coffeehouse

Fellowship news 2 Comments

  • Fellowship
  • Social innovation

In 2018 the RSA will be embarking on an ambitious project to redevelop RSA House and create an Enlightenment coffeehouse within it.

To ensure that all Fellows are made aware of, and can participate in the development of the coffeehouse, we have created a dedicated microsite.

>>Go to the microsite

The Enlightenment coffeehouse aims to foster the kind of thinking and collaborative action needed to address the challenges of the 21st century, and the overall concept pays tribute to the eighteenth century founders of the RSA and to the pioneering spirit that inspired them.

The mircosite covers all aspects of the project, including details of the business case, the architects plans, and how you will be able to help decide how the new spaces are used.

>> Find out more on the microsite

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  • Whilst I welcome the concept, especially if it provides for weekend access, having reviewed the plans made available I'm concerned that their appears to be no clear service route for delivery of goods to the level -3 kitchens and stores nor a to & fro service route for transporting goods and clean/dirty dishes to and from the finishing kitchen on Level -1 without moving through public areas. As the efficiency of service flows has a direct impact on operating profit it would be reassuring to know how the matter is addressed in the operational brief.

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