A digital RSA fit for the future

Fellowship news

  • Community engagement
  • Fellowship

Many Fellows have fed back to us that they want to be able to connect with each other - sharing interests, expertise, activities and project ideas. 

With that in mind we are replacing RSA’s existing technology with an up-to-date and fully-integrated website which will provide better services for Fellows, staff and the wider public (including our global audiences) who visit our website, attend our events and engage with the work that we do. 

At the heart of our new website will be a ‘personal portal’, where Fellows can record and display their interests, skills and activities and selectively share it with other like-minded Fellows to enable discussion and collaboration on ideas, projects and events.  You will also be able to select those areas of our work that you are interested in so that we can provide tailored information to you.  

We aim to complete this phase of the work by autumn 2014, but before then we will be testing various aspects as we go along with Fellows (and non-Fellows), so please look out in our newsletters for requests to do so.  

In conjunction with this work we are also updating the RSA website to make it easier for users to find what they want.   We will also continue to expand the functionality and add extra features beyond 2014 to ensure we continue to improve. 

We have a strong commitment to ensuring that the RSA is an enabling organisation where Fellows can interact with each other, sharing ideas, thoughts and initiatives and this project will be a big step forward to enable that to happen.

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