Adventures in Health

Fellowship news

  • Health & wellbeing
  • Fellowship

On Friday 27 May TYF are hosting an afternoon of insight, sharing and action to shape a healthy future for Wales at Hay Festival

With the cost of physical inactivity in Wales estimated at £650m a year, and the gross cost of mental health at £7.2bn a year, there would be no shortage of money if we could focus resources effectively on prevention as well as cure. Whilst the benefits of exercise and outdoor time are well known, they’re not well-spread, which means that budgets and service delivery will get harder to manage as demand increases.  

The development of an ambitious project to dramatically increase active enjoyment of the country’s wild and green spaces aims to spark the change that Wales needs. A group of experienced adventure practitioners are building the Outdoor Professionals Cooperative (OPC) to work with colleagues in government, the third sector and business to research, develop and deliver the results that build wellbeing and resilience. 

TYF have worked with the Hay Festival team for the last 10 years, hosting workshops and events to share, encourage and accelerate action on sustainability-related topics. This catalysed the founding of dozens of social enterprises, business ventures and community projects with the help of a Green Dragon’s Den that distributed £250,000 of funding from Welsh Government and UnLtd. Adventures in Health is their most ambitious project to date. 

The project is seeking a 5% reduction in the costs of mental health, physical inactivity and NEETs to create 4000 new jobs in the outdoors and release £300m a year to improve the health of our nation. The outcomes for citizens, the NHS and Public Health Wales would be transformational, with lower cost, locally-based services helping patients improve their physical or mental health outlook through supported time in nature. 

TYF would love organisations and individuals to join them and help make change happen. 


1.00pm: Event. Tracey Evans, Warren Fauvel & Andy Middleton.

2.00pm: Refreshments

2.30pm: Workshop discussion on “Essential resources for breakthrough”, led by Paul Donovan, Chair, Wales Adventure Tourism Organisation.

3.30pm: Break

3.45pm: Workshop discussion on “Measuring what matters”, led by Jetske Germing, Sustainable Communities Manager, TYF

4.45pm: Summary

5.00pm: Reception, followed by additional events & dinner for those who can stay. 

Please get in touch with Jetske to request a place: 

[email protected], 01437 720879

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