The storytelling of Artists - You're Invited to Berwick PechaKucha

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‘’Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.’’ – Edgar Degas

On Tuesday 26 November, selected artists will put down their traditional mediums in order to weave the audience pictures with words. You won't want to miss a fantastic line-up of storytellers at the next Berwick PechaKucha event at Radio Rooms in Tweedmouth. 

What is PechaKucha?

PechaKucha is the world’s fastest growing storytelling platform. In short, PechaKucha is ‘’Show and Tell’’ 2.0.. The formatting of this storytelling mode is simple. 20 slides. 20 seconds of commentary per slide. Tell your story and move your audience by being decisive in your word choice and narrative.

The upcoming line up of story-tellers includes:

Brita Granstrom, painter and illustrator.

Charlie Poulsen, artist, sculptor and garden sculptor

Jonny Hannah, illustrator

Tod Hanson, graphic artist

Lucy Baxandall, papermaker

Chloe Smith, artist, dancer, film-maker

Tania Willis, graphic designer and illustrator

Space is limited, booking essential. Book tickets by emailing [email protected]

Refreshments are available by purchase at the bar starting at 18:00.

Ticket cost: £2 entry donation

Location: The Radio Rooms, 95 Main St, Tweedmouth, Berwick-upon-Tweed TD15 2AW

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