Bristol Make It Weekend

Fellowship news

  • Community engagement
  • Public services
  • Fellowship

Fellows are invited to the Bristol Make It Weekend, which will bring together patients and the public, health and care service providers, designers, artists and developers to work on sustainability projects in health and care in Bristol

This weekend is being run by Bristol Health Partners as part of Healthy City Week. Drawing on the convention of hackathons, it will focus on solutions to real world problems, giving you an opportunity to co-create solutions with like-minded people to the challenges faced by local communities. Issues identified by Bristol Health Partners Health Integration Teams will be presented, to be worked on.

The weekend will be a melting pot of knowledge and skills, with people from different backgrounds and sectors collaborating to support existing projects and develop new ones - enabling innovations and improvements in local health, care and wellbeing. During the weekend, issues identified by the Health Integration Teams will be presented to technologists, creatives, local green project representatives, interested members of the public and patients to brainstorm solutions to these challenges. The weekend format has been designed to support people with lo-tech, hi-tech and no-tech projects ideas.

Could you play a part in developing real solutions to improving Bristol’s sustainability in health and care? Whether you're a patient or a developer, a doctor or a sustainability guru, we need you! RSA Fellows welcome!

The structure of the weekend will be:

Saturday: Quick fire presentations (9.30-10.30) on local projects followed by a Speed Data’ing networking brunch (10.30-12.30) and afternoon collaborative work session (12.30-5.30) 

Sunday: During the morning the collaborative work continues, with presentations on Sunday afternoon. Participants present projects to an expert panel, and prizes and awards will be given for the presentations and project ideas selected by the panel

The weekend will include an informatics work stream, challenging people to make use of Bristol City Council open data platform, Lidar mapping data, HSCIC and the other open source data.

Tickets will be available for the whole weekend or Saturday morning (quick fire presentations and networking) and Sunday afternoon (presentations). More details of how to book will be available soon.

Bristol’s first ever Healthy City Week takes place on 12-18 October. It will celebrate local projects and initiatives that build on the connection between healthy environments and healthy people, giving the health, care and green sectors in Bristol an opportunity to showcase their work. See the full programme for Healthy CityWeek.

Find out what happened at the last Make It event held in October 2014. 

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