Broadening Horizons - a new project with RSA Academy students

Fellowship news

  • Education
  • Fellowship

Are you interested in helping young people realise their potential? This week we will be launching an ambitious new project that seeks to improve the career prospects of RSA Academy students in Tipton, Coventry and Redditch.

We are launching a mentoring project to help pupils in Year 9 as they consider their next steps through school and beyond. We would like to invite you to mentor a student and enable them to broaden their horizons as they progress through school.  If you volunteer to sign up, you will be working with a pupil for a minimum of one year to facilitate the exploration of their skills and interests.

The project will support you to meet your mentee at least once every term. We will support you to jointly create an ‘Action Plan’ that will act as a roadmap for the time you spend with your mentee.

Sign up now to the training event on Tuesday 20 May, 6pm at the Birmingham Hippodrome where you will be provided with training and information along with details of the schools and students taking part.

If you would like more information about the Broadening Horizons Project or RSA Academies please feel free to get in touch. This training event is free to attend, but you do need to register. Book your place now.

If you have any questions, please contact: Richard Pickford | Fellowship Engagement Manager - RSA Academies

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