Building Social Connections Through the Arts: A Live Well Make Art event

Fellowship news

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'Over nine million adults are often or always lonely‘- British Red Cross and the Coop. 'Loneliness is as damaging to our health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day’- Holt-Lundstadt 2015

Live Well Make Art (LWMA) is an informal network of arts professionals and activists, health professionals and activists, academics and people who care passionately about the health of Greater Manchester. We have been working together for two years as a social movement. We want a healthier Greater Manchester where all its people can share the benefits of engaging in and enjoying the arts and creative activities with each other, and we want to make our streets, neighbourhoods and communities better places to live.

On 22nd May, at the Turnpike Art Gallery in Leigh, we will be holding the first Live Well Make Art event to happen as part of a programme funded through Greater Manchester Combined Authority’s 'Great Places' initiative. It will explore ways in which the arts can address the challenges of social isolation and loneliness through building stronger social connections. The event will be introduced by Donna Hall, Chief Executive of Wigan MBC.

This event is an opportunity to:
• Learn from local and international case studies
• Share your knowledge and expertise with others
• Consider innovative ways of making a difference and new possibilities for collaboration
• Find out more about LWMA’s Great Places programme

 This event is free to attend. Places are limited, so please book early to secure your place.


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