Calling all nature enthusiasts and curious souls in the Chiltern area

Fellowship news

  • Health and wellbeing
  • People & place
  • Environment

Step into nature and embrace the beauty of the Chilterns countryside with Dadima’s intergenerational walking community, co-led and founded by RSA Fellow Subash Ludra 

'Dadimais' is the Hindu noun for paternal grandmother, and this walking community want all generations to be able to join in.They’re on a mission to foster a sense of belonging for people of all ages and cultural backgrounds, enabling everyone to feel welcome in the great outdoors. 

This Fellow-led community enterprise organises free monthly walks accompanied with guest speakers, spanning from Oxfordshire to Hertfordshire. This year, their educational focus revolves around the pressing issue of Biodiversity Loss.  

Each month brings a fresh route, and each walk is free to attend. Fellows, friends, and family members are all warmly welcome.  

If you have mobility concerns, or you are planning to bring small children or buggies, please check the session’s further information before booking.  

Book a ticket below to join us on the next walk.

Become an ambassador 

Are you inspired by Dadima's mission but don'treside in Oxfordshire? Fear not! You can still be a part of this incredible movement by becoming an ambassador and leading your own walk & talk session in your area.  

Reach out to Dr. Geeta or Subash using the contact details provided below. Take the leap and play an active role in fostering a love for the outdoors and a deeper understanding of our natural world. 

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