Climate Action Project launched by RSA Fellow in collaboration with WWF

Fellowship news

  • Sustainability
  • Education
  • Teaching
  • Environment
  • Fellowship in Action

The Climate Action Project launched late 2020 by Koen Timmers FRSA, in collaboration with WWF and supported by UNEP and NASA. Connecting with 2.6 million students and teachers across 136 countries, the project aims to change students' behaviour and society's mindset through education.

In early November, they concluded with their very first Climate Action Day, a 8 hour free webinar with Jane Goodall, David Attenborough, President Santos, Kumi Naidoo, Princess Esmeralda, Lord Jim Knight, Vanessa Nakate, Matt from WWF UK, and many more. During the event students presented their findings and solutions, sent a message to ISS, 2 mayors (from capital Sierra Leone and Moldova) signed our manifesto live, etc.

RSA Fellow teachers are invited to join the project via the website at any time, and anyone who may be able to support this initiative or would be interested in acting as a speaker at the next Climate Action Day. CAP are also happy to explore synergies with Fellows from all professional backgrounds, with a keen interest in climate/sustainability and education.
Want to learn more about what comes next for the Climate Action Project, or see how you could get involved? Find out more here:

The webinar recordings are still available here: