Invitation to an evening of climate change innovation, live from COP26

Fellowship news

  • Climate change

RSA Fellows are invited to attend an evening of climate change innovation, live from COP 26.

The final of the Climate Challenge Cup, a new international competition showcasing civic research partnerships tackling climate change, will be live streamed from COP26 in Glasgow at 18:00 GMT on Wednesday 10 November.

This international competition is delivered by the research organisation, social investor and community practitioner, The Young Foundation, in the UK, and by MetroLab Network, a civic research and innovation collaborative, in the US.

At the free online event, Fellows will have the opportunity to discuss climate action and hear about innovative end scalable projects that are helping communities become more resilient to the effect of climate change, as well as hearing from partnerships helping cities achieve their net zero targets.

For more information and to book your place, please see here.