Contribute to the Creativity In Public Services Network this Autumn

Fellowship news

  • Education
  • Accessibility & inclusion
  • Fellowship
  • Fellowship in Action

Will you contribute your expertise to the Inequality and Education Network?

During the autumn and winter, we intend to offer a series of meetings open to all comers, and set up at least one action learning set whose participants can explore specific challenges they experience in trying to work creatively in public services.

Plenary meetings

We intend to organise three plenary meetings on the following topics:

  • using TRIZ to tackle public service challenges
  • involving citizens and service users in resource allocation decisions in public services
  • how to engage with and avoid blocking colleagues, citizens and service users who “don’t speak our language”

If any network members would like to help lead any of these topics, or know potential guest participants with good experience to share, please let Martin Wheatley know ([email protected]) by 12 September.

Action Learning Set

Further to feedback from our network membership consultation exercise, we aim to set up an Action Learning Set related to advancing creativity practices across public services.

To help get this up and running, we now invite you to email Paul Neville ([email protected]) with your specific workplace situation/problem/challenge/dilemma/proposal that you would like peer support to explore and advance, by 12 September.

An Action Learning Set is a great opportunity to learn from good practice, develop new ideas and solutions, so also please let us know if you would like to take part in the action learning set.  You will need to commit to a series of five or six meetings to ensure the Action Learning Set is a success for all participants.  The meetings will be scheduled by mutual agreement.  To run this Action Learning Set we will need a group of six to eight people.

Thanks for reading, and do get in touch if you think you can help!

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