Covid-19 Committee inquiry on the impact of digitalisation

Fellowship news

The COVID-19 UK Parliamentary Committee has launched its new inquiry on the impact of digitalisation. 

In July-September this year, the Committee asked people for their views on what will be (or should be) different about our daily lives, and how we function as a society, in 2-5 years time because of the COVID-19 pandemic.  

One of the key themes that emerged was that people expect to be living more of their lives online, and so members now want to explore what that might mean for our social and economic wellbeing in the long-term. 

We’re aware that the impact of digitalisation has been a thread running through many Fellow-led events and conversations over the past few months and that Fellows may wish to review the Call for Evidence and make their own individual written submissions.  

The Committee intends to hear oral evidence between November and February; the closing date for written submissions is 11 December.