Creativity in Public Services Network: update and developments

Fellowship news

  • Public Services & Communities
  • Fellowship
  • Fellowship in Action

The Creativity in Public Services Network is undergoing a review. The current leadership group are taking the opportunity to consider how the network can provide the best offer to Fellows in supporting, showcasing and encouraging innovation and fresh approaches in delivering public services.

We will soon meet with colleagues from the RSA to discuss how our network can align with the programme being developed in the Public Services and Communities arena. We will be reaching out in the Autumn for anyone with an interest in joining the leadership group for the network. We will then put together our future programme of networking events.

In the meantime, the network have organised an Action Learning Set. Two current challenges to explore are; spreading innovation in children’s services and developing ways to put that into practice and, the challenge to move from delivering services to supporting residents to do things themselves at a neighbourhood level. If you are interested in becoming involved in a future set or have a challenge to explore, please contact Charlotte Bayley.

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