Curating Spaces of Hope: An invitation

Fellowship news

  • Behaviour change
  • People & place
  • Fellowship in Action
  • Leadership

Dr Matthew Barber-Rowell FRSA and Julie Guegan FRSA invite RSA Fellows to join them for a series of 3 dialogues about how to change the world.

These dialogues are known as ‘Curating Spaces of Hope’ and draw through the things we care most about from the root of who we are, to shape and inspire the fruit of what we do.

Curating Spaces of Hope emerged from lived experiences of struggle and hopelessness in Matthew’s life; from unemployment, to poor mental health, to abuse and discrimination. The response was to out others who were struggling in similar ways and to launch a movement for change, comprising networked dialogues and research into how to change the world for the better! 

This new series of three conversations will move from initial dialogue around existing experience and underpinning values, to identifying aspirations for change and transformation.

The dialogues will serve as provocations which move people to prevent the polarising experiences shaping society. The sessions will centre around five principles: freedom, relationship, service, affect and authenticity. 

  • Freedom: exploring personal outlooks and perceived responsibilities and what underpins them. 
  • Relationship: exploring what perceptions of freedom mean with respect to other people and structures. 
  • Service: exploring combinations of personal freedom in relationship, expressed through outward facing activities. 
  • Affect: exploring service with respect to its impact on the environment, our digital lives and the small actions that can make a big difference. 
  • Authenticity: testing its resonance and potential for developing beyond public dialogue into a sustainable network and leadership practice. 

The focus of session one is freedom and relationship; how we see ourselves, the worldviews we draw on, and how this relates to spaces, places, structures and environments that we live in. 

Session two will move on to service and affect and consider how the service we express to one another affects, and is affected by, the world around us, including pandemics, digital lives and our changing environments. 

Session three will test the resonance of the dialogues from the first two sessions, to see if there is the basis for authentic leadership practice to emerge.

The sessions will take place on 17 November, 24 November, and 1 December. Each session will be approximately 90 minutes and RSA Fellows are warmly invited to all three. There is no charge for joining. Find out more book a place here.