DBACE Launch

Fellowship news

  • Education

DBACE is seeking 18 to 30-year-old creative entrepreneurs who are driven by a mission to build and sustain social value through their enterprise.

All business stages are eligible. Creative industries specific.

Submissions accepted: Jan 14 - Mar 31, 2020.

Application tips & resources can be found via dbace.org and information sessions will be held across the UK.

Running for 26 years, Deutsche Bank has partnered with MeWe360 since 2019 to deliver the Deutsche Bank Awards for Creative Entrepreneurs.

Change makers, are you in?





Social Media Info


Handles: @mewe360 @dbCitizenship

Hashtags: #PositiveImpact #DBACE


Webinar dates:

· Jan 30 at 7pm http://bit.ly/2RDpW72
· Feb 11 at 7pm: http://bit.ly/2RDGHPv

· Mar 2 at 7pm: http://bit.ly/36qXGIP

· Mar 14 at 10am: http://bit.ly/2RDGNql


Scotland-based Meet & Greets:

· Edinburgh: Feb 3 http://bit.ly/3596TFH

· Edinburgh: Feb 4 http://bit.ly/2RE7yuF

· Glasgow: Feb 5 http://bit.ly/35aNbJs

ALL EVENTS CAN BE FOUND HERE: https://dbace.org/information-events/


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