FELLOW EVENT: Immigrant Entrepreneurship Post Brexit

Fellowship news

  • Enterprise
  • Fellowship

Kajal Sanghrajka, a 2017 Churchill Fellow, travelled to nine cities to understand how they attract immigrant entrepreneurs. In her first presentation, find out how we can apply international practices post Brexit. also hear from early-stage entrepreneurs on how the UK immigration climate is impacting their business. The talk and panel will be followed by a drinks reception.


30 May 2018, 6.30–8.30pm | London School of Economics, Fourth Floor Old Building, Houghton Street, WC2A 2AE


In the wake of the Windrush Scandal and ongoing uncertainty around immigration post Brexit, it is a good time to have an open constructive dialogue on immigration.

Churchill Fellow 201718, Kajal Sanghrajka was awarded a grant to study immigrant entrepreneurship across Europe and North America and answer the question: How do cities attract and integrate immigrant entrepreneurs? After hundreds of conversations with entrepreneurs, policymakers, investors and pioneers supporting entrepreneurship, this talk is a culmination of her findings across 9 cities.

The presentation will focus on emerging innovative models and best practices to continue to attract the best and brightest global entrepreneurs post Brexit. Also hear from a panel of entrepreneurs on how the current UK immigration climate is impacting their businesses with some constructive solutions. The talk and panel will be followed by a drinks reception.

Speaker: Kajal Sanghrajka

Kajal is the founder of Growth Hub Global where she supports European companies to internationalise with a focus on the North American market. As a London native, she experienced a number of challenges as an immigrant entrepreneur when she started and successfully grew her first business in New York. She also co-founded Columbia Business School’s first start-up incubator where she supported other international entrepreneurs navigate the process. As a successful recipient of the Churchill Fellowship award made possible by the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust and Rank Foundation, she has travelled to a different city each month over the last year and wrote a monthly editorial, The Transatlantic Post to cover her research on immigrant entrepreneurship. Kajal holds a BSc in Economics from the London School of Economics and an MBA from Columbia Business School.

About the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust

Upon Churchill's death in 1965, the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust was set up to continue his legacy of leadership. The Trust awards grants to about 100 citizens a year to travel abroad and return with innovative ideas to benefit people across the UK.

About the Rank Foundation

The Rank Foundation improves the lives of people and their communities, across the UK by encouraging and developing leadership and promoting enterprise and innovation.The Foundation supports a number of programmes across the UK. In the majority of cases, these programmes are funded through our proactive, research driven activities.


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