Experience a Virtual London Nightscape of the Future

Fellowship news

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How will London's nightscape look in the 'Third Age of Light'? Find out through an interactive Virtual Reality experience at RSA House!

Created by renowned lighting design studio Speirs + Major, the experience is designed to respond to a number of questions about how societal attitudes and emerging technologies might impact on our nightscape.

Three virtual areas of London in the near future have been created – the South Bank, Primrose Hill and King’s Cross. Participants navigating these areas will be given the opportunity to gain deeper insights into sixteen carefully chosen themes – including augmentation, networks, communities and the environment.

Speirs + Major Principal, Mark Major RDI, commented:

“We are delighted to be able to share our temporary experimental VR experience, ‘Third Age of Light’, with the RSA.
It was created as part of our ongoing education and outreach program: As designers working with light we challenged ourselves to speculate on how London may be illuminated in the near future. We believe that technologies and behaviours are emerging in the field of lighting that will impact the way we experience the public realm after dark in the future. The themes we explore aim to create awareness of these possibilities, allowing us to think ahead to the social, economic and environmental opportunities and challenges we may face.
Our ideas are not necessarily offered as solutions, nor intended to be a comprehensive review, but we sincerely hope that our efforts will provide visitors with an enjoyable interactive experience that will provoke further thought and discussion.”

Mark will be hosting a talk on ideas considered in Third Age of Light experience, as part of the Rawthmell’s Friday Conversations series, on Friday 10th May 2019.

The VR experience has been provided to the RSA by Speirs + Major as part of Mark’s work for the organisation as a Royal Designer for Industry.

The experience can be accessed Monday - Friday 8:30am - 9:00pm via Rawthmell’s Coffeehouse at RSA House

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