Exploring money in an interactive workshop

Fellowship news

  • Economics and Finance
  • Fellowship
  • Fellowship in Action

Join AgnesCleona, and Tash on Friday 21 October 2022, 14.00-17.00 BST on The Steps in The Coffee House at RSA House, for this rich, explorative and enlightening money workshop.

How do you feel about money? Does it make you uncomfortable? Anxious? Happy? Excited? Angry? Do you hear the call of your dreams, creative vision and values but often feel pulled off track by the role money plays in your life, work, and society? Are you ready to look more closely and explore the hidden scripts that shape your sense of self and your relationship to others and the world?

Money is regularly cited as the number one obstacle standing in the way of more regenerative futures and the way we want to live and work. It is a taboo subject for many of us, yet at the core of so many decisions made individually and collectively.

Hailing from Scotland, the Findhorn money game has travelled the world offering a container for a rich, playful, personal and collective exploration of this taboo subject. Like any game, it brings fun, suspense, and learning. It is a first step towards undoing the tangles that can stand between you and your most liberated, creative self.

Find out more and book your ticket here: Exploring money in an interactive workshop