Fab Friday: Fashion Revolution

Fellowship news

  • Fellowship

Friday 24th April will mark two years since the collapse of the Rana Plaza complex in Dhaka that killed 1400 people and injured thousands more, many of them garment workers. This disaster brought into sharp focus one of a network of issues affecting the global textile and fashion industries: poor labour standards, chemical and water pollution, and pre and post-consumer waste to name a few.

On this day campaigners, brands, consumers and NGOs around the globe will come together as Fashion Revolution, a campaign to mark the anniversary and make a united call to change the industry.

At this month’s Fab Friday, inspired by the Fashion Revolution campaign, The Great Recovery and Fab Lab London invite you to join us as we explore how the clothes we wear can become ‘circular by design’.

Fab Friday: Fashion Revolution, Friday 24th April 1-4pm, Fab Lab London, EC2R 8AE

In this hands on session we will explore the lifecycle of garments, investigate how fashion could look if we applied circular design principals, and find out how makespaces can be used to prototype, repair and customise.

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