Family Mental Wealth App useability testing

Fellowship news

  • Mental health
  • Health & wellbeing

The National Institute for Health and Care Research has funded Family Mental Wealth to create, and test for useability, new digital tools to help children build mentally healthy lives, reducing the risk of mental ill-health.

The University of Sussex is conducting this useability testing (Ethics Approval reference: ER/RD416/3) and are seeking to recruit 50 families, broadly representative of the UK population, to use the tools for at least a week sometime in November/December, and then feedback their comments. To thank them for taking part, parents/carers of participating families receive a voucher (worth £144) providing free access to the whole Headway: Parent Toolkit for a year, plus a £20 Amazon eGift Voucher for the child/children (one per family).

Interested families can find out more and register interest at

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