Fellows Artists Network Film Night calls for short films exploring social challenges

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Hazel Chandler FRSA invites Fellows to submit their work to feature in the RSA Artists’ Network Film Night this autumn.

The next RSA Artists' Network film night will take place on Wednesday October 30th, 18.00 – 20.30 in Rawthmells, the RSA’s collaborative coffeehouse space.

You are invited to submit short films which explore a social challenge, aim to share a new perspective or inspire change. Films must be under 15 minutes long and can be in any genredocumentary, drama, animation, experimental. Submissions of tasters and trailers for longer films are also welcome. You will be offered the opportunity to introduce your film and answer questions on it afterwards.

This is the fourth annual Network film night, and the events have proved very popular especially as an opportunity to screen and view films that don't get seen anywhere else. As well as the screenings, at the event there will be the opportunity to connect with other network members.

The programme will be curated by Network Steering Group member Hazel Chandler FRSA, an award-winning filmmaker with 25 years of international experience as a producer/director/journalist, often tackling human rights stories in conflict affected countries.

To submit please contact Hazel via email. 

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