Local grants: Fellowship project support in the South East

Fellowship news

  • Fellowship in Action
  • Social innovation

RSA South East can support a limited number of Fellows with small grants of up to £500 to assist with piloting early project ideas which closely align to the RSA’s aims and values.

Do you have an idea that could grow with a Small Ideas to Impact grant? We want to hear from you!

RSA Fellows can apply for a small grant to support ideas, with funds to enable project meetings or steering groups, carrying out research, printing materials, prototypes or running pilot schemes.

Apply for a Small Ideas to Impact grant:
Fellows in the South East can apply for grants of up to £500, and we can fund up to five awards. To apply, please see this information document for our selectrion criteria and complete this application form by midday on Wednesday 8 March.

Please note, we cannot fund:

  • Private ventures or ventures where owners, shareholders or individuals can financially profit from the venture.
  • Grants to a private limited company.

Any questions, please email Jessica McMorrow, Fellowship Areas and Engagement Manager (South East): [email protected]

We look forward to hearing from you!