Film screening of 'The Migration Blanket - Climate Solidarity' at RSA House

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RSA Fellow Salma Zulfiqar invites you to a free film screening of 'The Migration Blanket - Climate Solidarity', in The Coffee House at RSA House on Wednesday 13 July 1.30pm.

"Our house was destroyed and we couldn't go to school when the floods came. Climate change destroyed our agricultural land." - Shofika, a Rohingya refugee in Bangladesh.

Shofika is just one of 150 young refugee and marginalised women on the frontline of the climate crisis who participated in 'The Migration Blanket' film project. 'The Migration Blanket - Climate Solidarity' is exhibiting at Palazzo Bembo during the Venice Biennale, Italy.

The film calls for climate action, and shows how climate change is destroying women's lives, causing early marriage, hunger, preventing access to education and leading to violence against women. 8 in 10 people displaced by climate change are women.

Women in camps, orphanages and other temporary accommodation in over 15 countries participated in workshops in 2021 to produce the artwork for the film. ARTconnects workshops were led by British artist and women's rights activist, Salma Zulfiqar FRSA. She is the first ever female British Pakistani to exhibit at the Venice Biennale consecutively. 

ARTconnects, a multi award winning social enterprise, has influenced policy-making in the UK on prioritising women and girls and has been leading on protecting refugee rights as well as making breakthroughs for LGBTQ+ migrants/refugees by giving them a voice in the media. 

"The film gives vulnerable refugee and marginalised women a voice, empowers them with knowledge on climate change, encourages them to take action, as well as improving their mental health," Salma Zulfiqar explained. "This film is a call to ensure that women's right's are protected as a key element in climate action and any policy-making."

You are invited to a free screening of 'The Migration Blanket - Climate Solidarity' on Wednesday 13 July at 1.30pm on The Steps in The Coffee House, RSA House, London WC2N 6EZ. There will also be a Q&A with Salma Zulfiqar. This event will be moderated by Star Wars and Game of Thrones Actor, Miltos Yerolemou. 

Register online for tickets: 'The Migration Blanket - Climate Solidarity'