Free leadership breakfast with RSA CEO Matthew Taylor

Fellowship news

  • Social networks
  • Fellowship
  • Fellowship in Action
  • Leadership
  • Social innovation

On 19 November, Clore Social Leadership and the RSA will host a free breakfast event with Matthew Taylor, Chief Executive of the RSA, who will share his leadership journey and anecdotes.

The event is part of Leaders Now, a series of free breakfast meetings for the social sector which aims to encourage networking, new thinking and collaboration on social & ethical leadership. Delivered in partnership with the RSA, the breakfasts feature high calibre, inspirational leaders sharing their leadership journeys with other aspiring and established leaders in the social sector.

Our next guest speaker, Matthew Taylor, has been Chief Executive of the RSA since November 2006. During his tenure, the Society has substantially increased its output of research and innovation, provided new routes to support the charitable initiatives of its 30,000 fellows, and developed a global profile as a platform for ideas.

The event will take place on Tuesday, 19 November, between 8:30 - 10am in the Dr Cross Room, Rawthmells Coffeehouse (RSA House). Coffee and pastries are included. 
Book your free place here. 


Not able to make this one? Follow Clore Social’s Eventbrite to stay informed of upcoming events: 

  • 10 December, 8:30 - 10:30 am, Graham Allcott, author of Productivity Ninja
  • 14 January, 8:30 - 10:30 am, guest speaker to be confirmed


About Clore Social Leadership:

We support and develop social leaders so that they can transform their communities, organisations and the world around them. Our vision is a social sector led with skill, efficiency and ethical values

For more information about us, check out our website here and sign up to our newsletter for up to date information. Follow us on Twitter @CloreSocial.

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