GFEST 2017: Fellow-led LGBTQI art festival in London

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An annual platform for LGBTQI filmmakers, performers and artists, GFEST – Gaywise FESTival ® takes place annually in November, in venues across London. GFEST founder and director Niranjan Kamatkar FRSA has been leading the RSA's LGBT Network over past two years.

Recognised as London’s LGBTQI cross-art festival since 2007, GFEST - Gaywise FESTival is presented by arts charity Wise Thoughts. Wise Thoughts services help address social justice issues and the needs of LGBTQI and Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities. 

“When we started GFEST in 2007, it was a different time," explains GFEST artistic director and RSA Fellow Niranjan Kamatkar. "We have stepped forward in winning legal battles and recognition. But the battle continues for gaining full and equal social acceptance. It is about who we are and who we love.”

"Despite many changes on the political and social scene and huge fundraising challenges, we are still determined to excel once again, telling stories of protests that are part of LGBTQI equality struggle."

GFEST - Gaywise FESTival ® organisers invite you to the 10th anniversary celebrations, showcasing eclectic art, films and performances by both local and international LQBTQI artists. GFEST 2017 events will take place across multiple venues in London from 13-25 November 2017.

GFEST – Gaywise FESTival ® 2017 theme is “Arts Protest”!

The full programme details, including films and live performances, are live on the GFEST website:

 The organisers invite RSA Fellows to help spread the word amongst interested networks and hope to have a strong RSA presence at the events. 

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