Global Shapers’ Manchester Hub: An invitation to collaborate

Fellowship news

  • Leadership
  • Social justice
  • Technology
  • Youth engagement

Think globally and act locally to drive dialogue, action and change – this is the mission of the Global Shapers Community’s Manchester Hub (the Global Shapers Community is an initiative of the World Economic Forum), aligning with the RSA’s commitment to a future that works for everyone.

Founded in 2020 amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, young change-makers from the Hub have progressed projects spanning multiple areas and priorities, including:

Society and Mental Health: ‘Happy Benches’, led by Co-curator Aitana Uclés Fuensanta, seeks to confront the damaging effects of loneliness and social isolation. These benches encourage organic interactions in the communities they’re based in and were featured by ITV Granada.

Education and Technology: ‘Digital Pi’, led by Jamie Hibbert (Co-curator) and Jenny Walmsley, raised £1,000 to donate 15 ‘Raspberry Pi devices’ to IntoUniversity’s Manchester North centre for use by their students, in an effort to promote digital inclusion in Greater Manchester. Complementing our work with the educational charity, we leveraged the expertise of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority’s Digital Inclusion Taskforce and a connection with the Raspberry Pi Foundation (sparked by founding Co-curator Flaviu Cipcigan).

Environment and Health: Led by Theodor Bratosin – as restrictions are lifted, Manchester Global Shapers are continuing a series of videos produced by Cycling UK about bike maintenance, enabling people to learn about keeping their bike roadworthy and taking care of it at home as well as encouraging them to restart cycling. This is part of a growing movement called “Two Wheel Tuesday”, started by other Hubs, to encourage cycling among commuters.

To collaborate with the Global Shapers’ Manchester Hub, please email [email protected] and the team will be in touch. If you know talented, driven leaders under the age of 30, please also consider asking them to peruse information about the Global Shapers’ Community and apply to our Hub.