“I want to partner with more people who are ready to move from idea to action”


  • Future of Work
  • Fellowship
  • Fellowship in Action
  • Global

Meet the Fellows who are looking to accelerate their commitment to good work. Launched in September 2021, the RSA's Good Work Guild brings together a diverse global community of policymakers, investors, unions, grassroots problem-solvers, social entrepreneurs, start-ups, worker advocates and business leaders looking to shape the future of work.

Tiffany Grandchamp is the founder and CEO of Women lifting Women, a women-led consulting firm that works with companies to thrive as choice employers for women. She writes to us from Saint Paul in Minnesota (USA) to share her motivations for joining the Guild and her drive to remove barriers to achieve work/life balance and fair pay.

What is keeping you busy these days?

Women Lifting Women is currently focused on helping organizations become the choice employer for women, by using strategy, infrastructure, and behavior optimization. We do this by assessing their current state of gender pay and leadership equity through various analyses methods and then collaborating on measurable solutions together.

What has shaped your understanding of "good work"?

Honestly, failed models of work in the past have shaped our understanding of good work. When work is considered merely transactional in nature and doesn't include all of an individual's needs, it fails to support the whole person. Maslow's hierarchy of needs can be (and was in the past) applied to the work environment. This is a good start to reframing thinking about the work relationship- assessing barriers to self-actualization (equity, support, cultural honour, etc.) and is critically needed in the workplace.

Where do you want to see breakthrough change?

I want to see a breakthrough change in action. There is some great conceptual thinking, theoretical chatter, and conversations taking place at the philosophical level. But I am a person of action. And I am good at putting thoughts into action. I really want to partner with more people who are ready to take those concepts from idea to action. Removing barriers for individuals to work at a pace that supports a work/life balance and with pay that affords them a liveable wage, without jumping through hoops, can be done. So let's make it happen!

How would you like to connect with other Guild members?

I would love to meet other like-minded individuals and I am excited to see/hear what others are working on. I love to collaborate and join efforts. If another Guild member is working on something I am, let's combine our efforts!

Good Work Guild

We're bringing together a global network of Fellows working to tackle vital issues related to economic security and labor-market transforming technologies.