Green Schools Project Launch

Fellowship news

  • Schools
  • Environment
  • Fellowship

Green Schools Project is an exciting new student-led programme that helps schools to go Green.

Henry Greenwood FRSA was part of the first cohort of Teach First in 2003. While at Kingsmead school he became frustrated by lights being left on, windows left open with the heating on, recycling bins unemptied, and a general lack of opportunity for students to get involved with environmental issues. 

In response he developed the role of Sustainability Coordinator, supporting a group of students to run an energy saving campaign that saved the school £35,000 over 3 years. The campaign got the whole school recycling, they held ‘Walk to School Weeks’, installed solar panels, started a vegetable garden, along with various other projects for which they were awarded the Eco-Schools Green Flag. 

Fast forward a few years, and this experience led to the formation Green Schools Project which aims to help other schools to achieve similar things. It provides guides, presentations and resources to a school coordinator in order to take all the time and effort out of setting up and running environmental projects. More details are available on the Green Schools Project website

Take a look at this short video showing how Skinners’ Academy in Hackney has benefited from the programme.  


Can you help? 

Green Schools Project is now looking for teachers who would be interested in bringing this to their school to help the students to build skills while saving the school money on energy bills. It is also looking for businesses that would like to become a partner in the mission to help young people to drive the transition to a more sustainable society.

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