Impact Ideas Pitch Competition

Fellowship news

  • Enterprise
  • Fellowship

Calling all social impact enthusiasts. The next event from Manchester Social Entrepreneurs will be on 18th July in partnership with Unltd. Please share with your social networks, it could help someone get their impact idea off the ground!

This is an event with a difference. They're inviting you, your friends, colleagues and loved ones to pitch your impact idea to win £500! 

Unltd, the Foundation for Social Entrepreneurs is a national organisation that provides funding and packages of support for individual social entrepreneurs who have enterprising and sustainable solutions to social issues. 

They are looking to make two ‘Try It’ awards of up to £500 for individuals to kick start early stage ideas. Applications are invited via expressions of interest and shortlisted applicants will be invited to do a 5-minute pitch. 

If you’ve already got a fully formed idea, then please submit your application (eligibility criteria in the form) AND get an Eventbrite ticket to attend the event! 

If you have any questions for the application form, or if you need help to shape your idea please do get in touch either through our meetup page or through our twitter @McrSocEnt


12th of July - Deadline for EOI

18th of July - Pitching night 

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