Japan-based Fellow invites young voices to global discussion group

Fellowship news

  • Social brain
  • Fellowship in Action
  • Global
  • Social innovation
  • Social justice

“Online Global Discussion Group” is a group of young people from different countries interested in sharing perspectives on global issues and inspiring learning from each other.

Participants are high school and university students, as well as young members in the workforce, mainly young people in their teens and twenties. Participants come from Benin, China, Japan, Philippines, and Taiwan.

English is not everyone’s mother tongue, but all members are keen to vocalise ideas on current affairs in English. The group aims to learn about things happening in and outside of our daily lives, raise awareness on social issues that may impact our own future, and articulate our thoughts to be heard by all participants. There are no wrong or right answers: our ideas also develop along with our experiences and time.

Noriko Tada, an RSA fellow, organises and runs the discussion group activity with the youths. Since this is a voluntary activity and members are all busy, they take turns to fill roles such as facilitation, uploading topics, and creating event pages. There are many tasks to get things going that offer various learning opportunities.

If you are interested in discussing topics such as environmental threats, AI, and the rich/poor gap, do consider joining the next event on November 7, 10:00am-11:30am GMT.

For further details, see the following website: https://www.tada-ed.com/global-discussion-for-youths

To sign up and get zoom link, send an email to [email protected].