Join the Fellowship Council: Applications Open

Fellowship news

  • Fellowship
  • Fellowship in Action

We currently have vacancies on the Fellowship Council for representatives in Scotland, Wales and the South East.

Fellowship Councillors are at the heart of the RSA and play a key role in ensuring that the Fellowship’s voice is heard. They provide a vital link between and support to staff and our unique global network of changemakers.  

The purpose of the Fellowship Council is three-fold, to:  

  1. Lead and drive local activity for Fellows in partnership with the Area Manager, making connections between them, forming networks and being a key conduit to the work that the RSA is undertaking, 
  2. Using your expertise to consult on and support the delivery of relevant projects and pathways, 
  3. Represent the views of Fellows and consult on a mix of ideas, initiatives and strategies  

You can find out more about the Fellowship Council here.

To apply, please complete this short form which will be reviewed by a panel of Fellows and Staff, with a shortlist invited for interview. Following the interview, recommendations will be submitted to the RSA’s Nominations and Governance Panel for approval and appointment. Successful appointees will join the Council for the remainder of its term, which has recently been extended until October 2025. 

Time Required for the Role  

This is a volunteer role but does require a commitment to dedicated time to be effective. All Fellowship Councillors commit to attending an induction meeting and at least three full Council meetings per year (online or hybrid), there may also be additional online meetings to support with specific projects/programmes. You would be expected to be able to set aside or dedicate at least one day a month to be able to deliver effectively in this role in addition to the commitments outlined above. All appropriate expenses will be covered.  

Nominations are now open and the deadline for applications is 9am BST on Friday 18 August

If you have any questions about the role, please contact [email protected]

Apply to be a Fellowship Councillor

Are you based in Wales, Scotland or the South East? Put yourself forward for this opportunity