FRSA launches new recycling initiative, 'Made With Love'

Fellowship news

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Made with Love is a global charitable recycling initiative launched by RSA Fellow, Debbie Moorhouse. Its aim is to support the fashion and clothing industry to reduce its negative environmental impact and help people in need around the world.

In the UK alone between 1.1 and 1.4 million tonnes of textiles are thrown away each year, around 1/3 of which are good quality clothing items that could be re-used. By donating surplus products and any unsaleable yet wearable items, brands, retailers and manufacturers can have a positive impact on these statistics.

The first partner charity to this initiative to be announced is Dress For Success which empowers women across the world to achieve economic independence through their employment 'suiting programs'. These aim to provide disadvantaged women with professional interview and work attire.

Made With Love are also supporting NGOs working at refugee camps in Greece who urgently require clothing for children aged 5 and under. According to Lauraine Velez from the NGO, Lighthouse Relief: "The children in Ritsona camp, one of the camps where we work, could really use these items. Since the camp has been set up in a former military compound, there is little shelter from the elements and the children get sick often." 

Developed and launched by Atelier Ethical and Certified Made in the UK, Made With Love will be an ongoing initiative and many more partner charities will be announced soon. Founder and RSA Fellow, Debbie Moorhouse says "This is an opportunity for brands and the fashion industry to be a force for good and collectively make a difference while also improving sustainability." Join the initiative by using the hashtag #madewithlove on social media and share what you're donating.

For enquiries, if you have clothing to donate or if you are a charity in need of clothing donations please email [email protected] or contact Debbie Moorhouse directly.

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