“I want to see more authentic human beings and more authentic workers”


Launched in September 2021, the RSA's Good Work Guild brings together a diverse global community of policymakers, investors, unions, grassroots problem-solvers, social entrepreneurs, start-ups, worker advocates and business leaders looking to shape the future of work. 

Based in Colombia, Dr Carlos Largacha-Martinez brings his expertise in leadership and organisational behaviour analysis as a member and steward of the Guild. Carlos is currently working on developing a start-up called Flourishing AI, which aims to humanise artificial intelligence in the workplace, by using machine learning and semantic analysis to help organisations become more innovative in their management. He shares his hope for breakthrough change in work and workspaces grounded in authenticity.  

What has shaped your understanding of “good work”?   

I’d say a mixture of experiences, readings, and great examples. But my perspective on “good work” is especially shaped by a humanistic approach towards society. strengthened this understanding during my PhD in quantum sociology at the University of Miami, and my current role as the Director for Colombia of the Humanistic Management Network, a volunteer-led NGO based in Switzerland. Similarly, I learned about other global initiatives such as B-Corps, Corporate Rebels, and Conscious Capitalism. I also conducted a decade of research on what makes ‘good’ leadership, which you can read more about in my article about ‘Human Energy and Immaterial Communication: The missing link for Inspirational Leadership?’ 

Where do you want to see breakthrough change?  

I want to see breakout change with more authentic human beings and more authentic workers. I think its something that society is failing miserably at. I want, and we are working on, to see more self-reflection among workers, powered by inspiring and human workspaces. More purposeful organisations can only emerge with new types of leadership. 

Good Work Guild

We're bringing together a global network of Fellows working to tackle vital issues related to economic security and labor-market transforming technologies.