New opportunity for marketers, researchers and producers to join a digital adventure in Europe

Fellowship news

  • Economics and Finance
  • Digital
  • Fellowship

Marketers, researchers and producers are invited to learn through practice from leading-edge digital businesses crowd-sourcing innovation and finance for projects for a better world.

Learn to use media to generate finance and ideas by engaging and listening to audiences.

Led by an award-winning ex-BBC digital strategist and award-winning transmedia producer, a new crowdsourcing adventure is piloting and they’re looking for RSA Fellows to participate. The one-week workshop in Krakow, Poland guides participants in designing and running simple campaigns to address society’s challenges. You will take roles as both promoter and audience – creating and publishing content and analysing responses.

A limited number of travel and accommodation grants have been set aside for those who would like to attend the workshop in Krakow: 30 May to 3 June 2016. All they ask for is a donation towards the cost of the training room. 

You can read more about Contented's adventures in Europe here.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the nature and implications of engaging audiences
  • Develop campaigns across technology to generate ideas and money
  • Apply your knowledge to plan, create, launch, manage and close a participatory media project
  • Analyse responses and evaluate your experiences to help shape new ideas
  • Cultivate networks and innovation partnerships in a friendly and practical English-speaking environment

Your facilitators

Contented Ltd is a UK-based communications company focusing on change and innovation. They work with a range of organisations from broadcasters and other businesses to charities and universities, producing interactive and immersive activities – from study tours to digital media projects – to promote research and catalyse change.

The team includes British digital creative Yomi Ayeni who has led innovative and immersive projects across the USA and Europe, with a string of awards including an IndieGogo Best Crowdfunded Campaign and Broadcast magazine’s Best Use New Media for an interactive-reality TV programme, Global Emissions.

For more information, please contact Jenny Jardine, Contented’s new assistant organiser ASAP: [email protected] or call 0800 310 1093.

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