Explore a challenge with the Creativity in Public Services Network

Fellowship news

  • Fellowship
  • Fellowship in Action
  • Social innovation

Paul Neville FRSA and the steering group of the Fellow-led Creativity in Public Services Network are launching an Action Learning Set

Following consultation with the members of our network, The RSA Creativity in Public Services network is pleased to announce the launch of an Action Learning Set (ALS).  Information on what an ALS is and how it will be facilitated can be found here, in a guide created by facilitator Val Theadom.

We currently have two challenges submitted by interested parties - and participants of the ALS are encouraged to bring theirs too.

Challenge 1: how to spread innovations in children’s services and developing ways to put this into practice.

Challenge 2: how you can challenge services to move from delivering services to support residents to do things themselves and with each other, at a neighbourhood level.

If you would like to take part in this ALS and can commit to the six meetings (to be arranged at a mutually convenient time/location for participants) please do register your interest and indicate your availability here.

If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact Paul Neville FRSA via [email protected]


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