Plymouth Social Enterprise City Festival

Fellowship news

  • Enterprise
  • Fellowship

Plymouth’s Social Enterprise City Festival runs across the city during Global Entrepreneurship Week, 18 – 24 November 2013.  We are getting involved in a number of events and it would be great to see as many Fellows as possible there.

The week has an exciting programme of events. On Wednesday 20 November we are partnering with Plymouth Chamber of Commerce, Plymouth Social Enterprise Network and UnLtd to host a speed networking  lunch. In the afternoon we are joining together with UnLtd to host a session called The Big Share, encouraging Fellows and UnLtd award winners to come together to learn from each other, share ideas, skills and knowledge.  

RSA/UnLtd – The Big Share

Wednesday 20 November, 2.30pm-4.30pm

Devonport Guildhall, Ker St, Plymouth, PL1 4EL

Bringing together our two networks for mutual learning, knowledge and skills sharing.

Click here for more information

RSA Engage – Meet, connect, share, grow

Monday 18 November, 7pm-9pm

The B-Bar, Barbican Theatre, Castle St, Plymouth, PL1 2NJ

On the evening of Monday 18 November we will be running a RSA Engage event, which will be an evening of networking and lightening talks from RSA Fellows about local projects and an opportunity to learn more about the RSA.  RSA Engage aims to help you:

• meet new Fellows

• find out about the different ways to engage with the RSA

• learn about the Fellow-led projects happening in your area, and the opportunities to get involved

• share your ideas  

Join us for an exciting evening of networking and lightening talks from RSA Fellows about local projects and an opportunity to learn more about the RSA.

Sign up here     

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