A global reimagining of learning

Fellowship news

  • Education
  • Adult education
  • Curriculum
  • Teaching
  • Fellowship in Action
  • Global
  • Technology

The co-leads of the Augmented Society Network, Zoë Camper and Jonathan Tavssberger FRSAs, and their fellow editorial director Mitch Weisburgh FRSA, are proud to announce the publication of An Opportunity to Reimagine Learning.

Inspired by the network’s pandemic discussion series, the triumvirate solicited the help of over 30 people spread across 15 countries on five continents to bring the publication to life. The 100-page document took around seven months to complete.

The publications eight themes touch on topics such as: Access, Diversity and Inclusion; Purpose and Context of Education; & Lifelong Learning and the Social Fabric, and more.

You can find out more about the publication via:

  • The Augmented Society’s blog post
  • Tony Breslin, EdD FRSA’s Twitter thread about his experience working on the publication
  • Mitch Weisburgh, FRSA’s reflection on the publication on his website

Plans are currently being finalized to celebrate the publication with an RSA event. In the meantime, interested parties are encouraged to reach out to the Augmented Society with any questions or comments.