Research and Teacher Education with the British Educational Research Association

Fellowship news

  • Education
  • Fellowship

How can research best inform teacher education and improve the quality of teaching and learning in schools?  This urgent but complex question is the focus of a new inquiry which the British Educational Research Association (BERA) is undertaking in partnership with the RSA.  The inquiry will investigate the role that research plays in improving the quality of programmes of teacher education and hence in enhancing the quality of teaching and learning outcomes for students.

As part of this process, the Inquiry has commissioned a number of papers from external experts to review policy and practice on teacher education in different parts of the UK and internationally, and to consider the contribution that different models of teacher education can make to developing teachers’ professional learning and expertise at each stage of their career.

This formal review of the academic research literature is being accompanied by a general Call for Submissions, open to all organisations and individuals with an interest in research and education, based upon the following set of key questions:

  1. What do you see as the main strengths and areas for improvement within teacher education as a whole in your part of the UK today, and why?
  2. When thinking about initial teacher education (ITE) in your part of the UK today, what contribution do you think that research currently makes to ITE, and what role do you think that it should play?
  3. When thinking about continuous professional development (CPD) in your part of the UK today, what contribution do you think that research currently makes to the professional learning and development of teachers, and what role do you think it should play?
  4. What do you think are the main barriers faced by teachers when it comes to (a) engaging with research evidence and (b) undertaking their own research? What support do you think schools or others (such as colleges and universities) could provide to help to overcome those barriers?
  5. What impact do you think that research can have on improving the quality of teaching and learning outcomes for students?

Further information about the BERA-RSA Inquiry, including how to submit a response to the Call for Submissions is available at the BERA website.

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