RSA at Chelmsford Ideas Festival

Fellowship news

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RSA Fellows played a leading role in founding the Chelmsford Ideas Festival in 2011. The Festival is inspired by its innovative talks and workshops. This year there are 93 events covering arts, heritage, technology and lots more.

RSA Fellows and Academicians of the Academy of Urbanism are arranging a series of events under the Your City umbrella including:

22nd October - 12th November

City Lab Exhibition

24th October

RSA Economics – Inclusion and Participation: this follows on from Matthew Taylor’s address on reviewing the local economy: delivered at the 2015 Festival’s RSA day.

Official launch and reception at Anglia Ruskin University

25th October
Stealing ideas for the Future City

1st November
Improving Natural Capital for People in Essex; following on from the RSA’s Essex Challenge

4th November
The tree in the City

6th November
Climate Change

10th November
Essex housing: Pace over Place?

The Festival runs from 22nd October to 12th November and all events are open to Fellows in the East of England. The full programme and booking arrangements can be viewed at The Festival box office is open now at the Ideas Hub in Market Square. There are 11 venues in all though most events take place either in the Ideas Hub or at Anglia Ruskin University.

There is in addition a special event being held at Chelmsford Cathedral: a showing of the original film on the Battle of the Somme. The film will be accompanied by the Cambridge Concert followed by a panel session with Laura Rossi, composer of the musical score; Dr. Tony Haggath, Senior Curator at the Imperial War Museum; and Ian Hook, Curator of the Essex Regiment Museum. The Royal British Legion will be present in support of this year’s poppy appeal. A limited number of tickets have been earmarked for members of supporting organisations.

Interested RSA Fellows should contact Malcolm Noble directly at [email protected]

If attending any events, please indicate that you are an RSA Fellow on the evaluation sheets.

View full programme and book.

Malcolm Noble
Chair: RSA East of England Region
[email protected]

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