RSA Fellow Wins the 2019 Herald’s Award!

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David Barker FRSA ‘s Livery Schools Link Volunteering Platform wins the 2019 Herald’s Award.

The Herald’s Award is given by the Court of the Company of Public Relations Practitioners to honour those who in the opinion of the court made a significant contribution to the charity sector.

This year’s recipient, RSA Fellow and City of London Resident David Barker, is known by the Master of the Company, Gavin Ellwood, from first-hand experience for how David has tirelessly worked to form and deliver the Livery Schools Link Volunteering Platform.

The Livery Schools Link is a voluntary organisation whose mission is to assist children from less advantaged backgrounds to receive an enhanced educational experience at school and to have their personal aspirations raised, thereby increasing their employability and career options.

And it’s for that reason that the 2019 Herald’s Award was presented to David Barker, who is also the Chair of the Education & Training Committee for the Worshipful Company of Information Technologists. The Master gave thanks to David for how the Livery Schools Link Volunteering Platform brings together volunteers from Livery Companies, membership organisations and employers to help schools with career talks, employability days, school clubs and school governance.

“It’s an honour to receive the award at a time we are now looking forwards to launching The Volunteering Platform outside of London into areas such as Manchester, Yorkshire and Sheffield for the next academic year. It’s also a double-honour as an RSA fellow to be involved in a project that aligns with our collective mission to inspire, support and enable new solutions to address the problems of the 21st Century.”

Please get in touch with David if you would like to know more about The Volunteering Platform and how you can volunteer and be part of the community helping raise the aspirations of students in school – [email protected]

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