RSA Salisbury Democracy Café and Local Deliberative Democracy

Fellowship news

  • Picture of Dickie Bellringer FRSA
    Dickie Bellringer FRSA
  • Deliberative democracy

A busy few months for joint ventures between the RSA and Salisbury Democracy Alliance.

Events began on 2 March with an RSA South West Café, which led to the first Devon Democracy Café. Then, on 26 May, RSA South East, Hampshire Equality Trust and the Salisbury Democracy Alliance (SDA) joined forced for another Democracy Café.

All of these events, of course, took place on Zoom. The regular Salisbury Democracy Café events also took place on the second Saturday of the month (also on Zoom), and the SDA engaged in the local elections with a campaign to get all the main political parties to commit to trialling a Citizens' Jury in Salisbury.

Are you interested in starting up a Democracy Café in your area?

Dickie Bellringer and Mark Potts, organisers of the Salisbury Democracy Café, are willing to help bootstrap and seed Café's in new locations. If this interests you, please get in touch with Dickie directly here or contact [email protected].