Salisbury Fellows network

Fellowship news

  • Picture of Neil Beagrie FRSA
    Neil Beagrie FRSA

The Salisbury Fellows network and its organising committee has continued with its programme of four meetings a year, although the first two of 2021 have had to be held online.

Events began with an RSA Democracy Café in March. On 16 May, RSA Salisbury network hosted a record breaking audience for an online talk by Professor Raymond Tallis on the subject of freewill, for which over 90 people registered.

Planning is now in hand for the next meeting in September, which will focus on the theme of 'Salisbury Recovery' post-Covid-19. A panel of speakers is being assembled. This will be a joint meeting with Salisbury Civic Society. The final meeting of 2020 will be the AGM on Tuesday 23 November (18:30-21:00 GMT), with presentations from Fellows on local projects.

If you have a project relevant to RSA and Salisbury and South Wiltshire you would like to present to Fellows please contact Neil Beagrie. Registration will open for those wishing to attend the meeting in October.