Seek inspiration from the street: join the World Wide Wander this September

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Rachel Crowther FRSA and Producer at Street Wisdom invites Fellows from around the world to join the World Wide Wander this September.

Street Wisdom is a powerful, innovative development tool that uses the streets as an invisible university to stimulate fresh thinking. Over three hours, you’ll learn how to access the urban environment and find answers to important questions. We are a global, social enterprise with volunteer-led events in over 40 countries across the world. 

At the centre of Street Wisdom lies the idea that every moment is extraordinary and every street is full of inspiration - that there’s no such thing as an ordinary street, just ordinary thinking. Few of us give ourselves time or permission to really focus on the world around us but the urban landscape is full of signs and signals that we normally ignore; rich stimuli that can help us learn something new. In just three hours of walking and wandering, participants have resolved problems that have dogged them for years, found new business ideas, changed careers, discovered new directions, and learned how to deal differently with life and love.

We’ve been delighted to partner with the RSA on some impactful events over the last four years. We’ve now got an exciting opportunity for fellows all over the world to get involved by leading your own events.

This September will see the third World Wide Wander in partnership with Psychologies Magazine, our annual, global celebration of Street Wisdom. It’s an invitation for inspiration-seekers everywhere to stop the clock, step out of the familiar and find a little bit of wonder right under your feet. We’re bringing together our community from the four corners of the earth in one big weekend of wandering and wondering.  Last year, we had 50 events in 20 countries and we plan to double that number this year.

Street Wisdom enables you to ask a question of the streets and find fresh answers. It’s especially powerful when a group come together to ask a shared question, for instance “How can we engage more Fellows in our network activity?” or “What’s the next step in finding solutions to this problem?” Or any important question, problem or decision that could benefit from a bit of new perspective.

Run your own event

It’s completely free to run your own Street Wisdom event. We provide all the resources you need including a facilitators guide and a training webinar, led by founder David Pearl, in advance of the World Wide Wander. So why not join us from 20-22 September and help your network or community to find a fresh way of thinking? For more information or to create an event visit or get in touch on [email protected].

We have free, volunteer-led events all over the world, you can see upcoming events here. If you can’t make it along to an event, we’ve put together a one hour audioguide experience which will give you a taster of the experience and prepare you to lead your own. All you need is a smartphone, some headphones and some streets - so get outside, pay attention and tap into the wisdom of the streets. Listen to the audioguide below:

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