Tech Resort CIC goes from strength to strength

Fellowship news

  • Education
  • Creativity
  • Fellowship
  • Technology
  • Youth engagement

Mark Hadley FRSA updates us on the success of the RSA-funded project Tech Resort, based in Eastbourne. Find out how the project is going...

Founded in 2013 by Eastbourne residents, three of whom were RSA Fellows and with £500 of Seed Funding, the Community Interest Co., set out to make the town a great place for creative people. On the back of this and other fundraising, a substantial grant of £160k was won from the Coast Communities Fund.

Now based in beachfront ‘Kestral House’ they are an advocate for Eastbourne’s CDIT* businesses ensuring their needs are heard. Working with 6th Form students to place them with employers as well as matching skills needs with those in the area looking for employment. They also inspire children and adults, as well as those with learning difficulties to get more out of CDIT activities by exploring coding, making and electronics.

Sessions (all usually fully booked) have included aerial photography with helium balloons and hand-built camera, 3D Printing, Oculus Rift, robot building, LEGO Mindstorm, Electronics, Animation, coding with microcontrollers plus coding games, from 7 years upwards.

The team have won the Innovation Award in the Eastbourne Business Awards 2015, and got the SPARK Enterprise Achievement Award in 2016, as well as creating 3 FTE** at Tech resort, and 6 indirect FTE in the Town and safeguarded another 9 jobs, supported 7 A Level projects, given 331 people free hands-on experience with coding/making and created a great buzz in the community.

Find out more at Tech Resort CIC.

Funding will last through into early 2017 and the team are busy trying to raise further grants and funding so they can keep up the great work. Any Fellows who think they could help in any way can Contact them directly here.


Connect with Mark Hadley FRSA through the RSA website.

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