The everyday roles we play can deliver the Sustainable Development Goals

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Patrick Paul Walsh FRSA is a Professor of International Development Studies in UCD, Ireland. In a new TedX Fullbright talk in Dublin, Paul outlines the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda as an agenda of the people; with the responsibility for implementation by the people, using their broad sphere of influence on Livelihoods, Civil Society, and Governance, to induce successful stakeholder partnership at local, national, regional and global levels.


Paul was previously a Senior Adviser to the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network, Earth Institute, Columbia University, New York during its input to the post 2015 Development Agenda, formally mandated by the UN General Secretary Ban Ki-moon. He also represented the UN Major Group for Science and Technology during the Inter-Governmental Negotiations that produced the UN 2030 Agenda Outcome Document in September 2015.

This 2030 Agenda is a moral compass for the world, a policy blueprint outlining a pathway to sustainable livelihoods, inclusive societies and sustainable environments. At the core of the Agenda is a universal set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals to be achieved by the year 2030 by all nations. 

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