The Man Who Built Peace

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Learn about the man whose extraordinary efforts helped heal fractures between countries after the world wars in a London-based film screening this June.

How will we restore trust and peace in a world where fear and uncertainty have begun to gain the upper hand? And how do we eliminate division and mistrust in our communities? Many of the world’s problems – and their solutions – are rooted in human nature. Greed and indifference lead to injustice, poverty, conflict and environmental destruction. Yet it is also in human nature to be caring, courageous and creative.

The Man Who Built Peace – The Frank Buchman Story is a new documentary telling the story of a man whose message and methods in conflict resolution, peacebuilding, and social cohesion enabled reconciliation between many countries after World War I and II. 

The cyclical turn of Europe’s social and political history that we see coming back today makes the story of Frank Buchman acutely relevant. Join us at the London premiere of The Man Who Built Peace and learn about the transformative power within every one of us.

Frank Buchman was a thinker and leader whose trust-building and peace efforts influenced the 20th century. He advocated transforming society through changes in human motives and behaviour, starting with himself. By inspiring honesty, cooperation and friendship amongst people and nations he helped to bring individuals, communities, industry and countries together in order to overcome the barriers that prevented them moving forward. 

This celebrated and award-winning film documents Buchman’s peacemaking approach and features powerful stories of reconciliation, apology, and forgiveness that inspires and challenges people to reflect on what they can and should do. It reminds us that we can all be the change we want to see in the world.

For tickets please follow this link. 

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