Upgrade your internal operating system - 'Upgrade' book launch

Fellowship news

  • Behaviour change
  • Fellowship
  • Leadership

An invitation to join Fellows at RSA House for the launch of a new book.

The world today is so much messier, turbulent and complex than it used to be. Explosions of new technologies, new business models, political division... the list goes on. And we’re all feeling the effects, facing dilemmas without clear solutions while winding our way through labyrinths of organisational politics and diverse stakeholder needs.

In response, an exciting new book Upgrade: Building your capacity for complexity is being launched at the RSA on Thursday 19th September. Upgrade gives many exercises and examples to show leaders how to consciously enhance their own internal ‘Operating Systems’, transforming how they lead in the face of today’s complexity. It’s not about adding new skills and knowledge, it’s about upgrading how an individual understands, relates and responds to other people, the world around them and themselves.

Upgrade draws on the science of vertical development (aka Adult Constructivist Development) which finds that adults can continue to develop in specific, identifiable stages in their ability to think about and respond in more systemic, strategic & interdependent ways. Upgrade focuses on four capacities, using case studies and practices to help the reader understand what developmental stage they are operating at in each capacity and how to enhance these towards more sophisticated ways of making sense of and responding to their challenges. Written by Karen Ellis and Richard Boston, the authors have developed and coached many leaders in major corporate and public sector organisations over the past 25 years.

Fellows of the RSA are warmly invited to attend the launch of Upgrade: Building your capacity for complexity which is being hosted by MDV Consulting in the Tavern Room of the RSA on Thursday 19th September between 18.00 and 20.00. Guests on the evening will receive a complimentary copy of the book.

Please note that spaces for the event are limited and registration is on a first come first served basis. If you’d like to attend, please register online. For further information about the book or the launch event, please email Kate Pilgrim.

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