We are recruiting for a new Fellowship Councillor in Scotland

Fellowship news

  • Fellowship

Becoming a Fellowship Councillor will enable you to use your skills and experience to make a valuable contribution to the RSA. Fellowship Councillors support the mission and values of the organisation, as outlined in the Fellowship Charter and are effective advocates and ambassadors for the RSA.

As a Fellowship Councillor you can:

  • Support Fellows to make an impact through their projects
  • Lead stimulating and rewarding events and activities locally / relating to a specific programme
  • Contribute to what’s happening in your geographic area or area of knowledge
  • Learn more about the RSA and the work we do
  • Be part of a core community of Fellows who influence RSA Fellowship activities and engagement
  • Work and network with interesting people from diverse backgrounds
  • Enhance your transferable skills and broaden your experience

What are we looking for?

Familiarity with, and interest in, the work of the RSA

  • Experience of a volunteer role (preferably with Fellows), and at least one of:
    • creating successful networks and events
    • developing and delivering successful projects
    • supporting and developing people
  • Willingness to dedicate sufficient time to this volunteer role

Find out more by reading the Fellowship Councillor role description. 

How to apply?

Submit your application via the RSA recruitment portal by 10.00am GMT on Wednesday 09 June 2021.

Being part of the Fellowship Council gives you a sense of working together for a better tomorrow. That is invaluable to find & will be something to cherish for years to come.

London Fellowship Councillor 2018-2020 Bhavani Esapathi FRSA

Any questions?

If you have any questions about the nominations and elections process, please contact:

Laura Payne, Head of Fellowship Areas & Engagement at [email protected]

Michelle Cook, Fellowship Coordinator at [email protected]  

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