You’re invited to the Ideas Exchange: Challenging Gender Stereotypes

Fellowship news 3 Comments

  • Rawthmells
  • Fellowship

The next Ideas Exchange will take place on Thursday 23 April on ZOOM 6.30 - 8.00 pm. Please book tickets using the link below. You will receive joining details once your tickets are booked.


At the next upcoming Ideas Exchange we will debate topics related to gender stereotypes. 

One of the things that binds RSA Fellows together is the sheer number of ideas being generated every day to address the challenges of our time.

The Ideas Exchange exists to provide a space for these ideas to flourish and for Fellows to form collaborations that can bring them to life. The newest initiative of RSA Coffeehouse in support of this mission is the Ideas Exchange, itself a collaboration with the Great Debaters Club, which is a social enterprise run by Tony Koutsoumbos FRSA that works with individuals, businesses, and charities to harness the power of constructive disagreement.

The Ideas Exchange brings together RSA Fellows and the mix of entrepreneurs, scientists, civil servants, lawyers, marketers, finance professionals, and budding politicians that make up the membership of the Great Debaters Club for a series of round-table conversations on topics chosen by Fellows themselves.

The Exchange is facilitated by experienced moderators to make sure each conversation remains inclusive, enjoyable and on-topic throughout. All you need to do is tell us what you want to talk about and turn up.

Whether your goal is to clarify your own thoughts, hear alternative perspectives, find inspiration and partners for a new collaboration, or test out new approaches to presenting your ideas, the Exchange is there to provide a relaxed and thought-provoking environment for you to achieve them.

If you would like to suggest a topic for one of the roundtable conversations at a future event, please email it to Tony Koutsoumbos.

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  • Is this open to non fellows?

    • Hi Sharon, this is open to everyone! Please join and invite a friend. See you there.

  • Looks great. 

    A very welcome initiative.

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