What is RSA Fellowship?

Better informed, better connected, better futures.

Our Fellowship is a unique global network of changemakers enabling people, places and the planet to flourish.

We believe in a different future, where our aspirations are not limited to doing less harm but are supercharged by the desire to do more good.

RSA Fellowship

Being an RSA Fellow is incredibly invigorating as someone who values thoughtful, spirited debate - especially with a community of fellow changemakers during a highly polarised time. The RSA has a strong legacy of critical yet compassionate thinkers, and I'm proud to follow in their footsteps.


Become a Fellow

You are invited to be part of the change

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Fellowship FAQs

Frequently asked questions about applying for RSA Fellowship

Come with us

By joining the RSA Fellowship, you are becoming part of a global community that is committed to social change.

Our Fellows are at the heart of what we do. Their support enables us to drive social impact. Explore our work through:

Fellowship in action

Fellowship over time

RSA House

A history of looking to the future

When Fellows join the RSA, they are building on a legacy of over 260 years of social change.

The RSA was founded in 1754. Our first meeting was in a coffeehouse in Covent Garden. Just a short walk from where we are today.

In that time notable Fellows have included Charles Dickens, George Washington Carver, David Attenborough, Nelson Mandela, Tim Berners-Lee, Sarah Gilbert and Bernardine Evaristo, among countless more.

We've supported inventions as diverse as lifeboats, public toilets and firefighters' ladders. We've restored an entire village, planted over 60 million trees and funded inventions to reduce child labour.

What does our Fellowship look like today?


Meet Our Fellows

Jan Dunn FRSA

Jan is a Fellow and award-winning independent filmmaker working in the creative sector as part of the UK Film Industry as a screenwriter, director and producer.

"One big change I would like to see, at least in my industry, to create a much fairer future would be for more women to be taken seriously as major players behind the camera."

Bilkis Miah FRSA

Bilkis is a Fellow and social entrepreneur, working to empower young people in their limitless choices and to embrace their individuality.

“It's vital to be a part of a community that is driven to eliminating systemic inequalities. I love being a part of a community that is passionate about creating positive change.”

Richard James FRSA

Richard is a Fellow who designs and implements community engagement strategies.

He has found that the two values that unite RSA Fellows are a desire not to accept the status quo, and to engage more effectively with the challenges they face.

Zoe Camper FRSA

Zoe is a Fellow and slow-fashion CEO and founder. Among other achievements, she led the team that designed and built the first AI-driven virtual assistant for people with chronic pain.

For her, being an RSA Fellow means working with incredible people in different places around the world: it’s about fairness and equitable opportunity.

Could you shape the future of our Fellowship?


You. Yes, You.

What happens when I apply?

In order to become a Fellow, you need to complete an online form. All applications are treated in the same way, with the same criteria followed.

This application form should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete and has three parts:

  • Personal details and contact information
  • Short Q&A about your interests and alignment with our values
  • Payment details for a one-off registration fee of £75 and an annual subscription of £198.

Once you have your completed application, it is reviewed by our admissions panel. Successful applicants will then receive a series of welcome emails once payment is processed. We also send out welcome packs within four weeks of joining.

Still have questions?

Explore other benefits of RSA fellowship